WHEREAS love for the stranger is a moral imperative of our faith, inasmuch as Scripture teaches: “the Lord your God…loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” Deuteronomy 10:18-19.
WHEREAS our faith calls us to take concrete action to address the suffering caused by unjust deportation of undocumented immigrants, for as Scripture teaches: “What good is it … if you say you have faith but do not have works?” James 2:14
WHEREAS the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance provides a channel for faith communities in Montclair to combine their voices and resources in support of undocumented immigrants residing in our midst, while allowing each allied congregation to determine the nature and scope of its respective efforts and contributions
RESOLVED that St. Luke’s Episcopal Church shall serve as a “Sanctuary Solidarity Congregation,” which shall mean a Congregation that is committed, by lawful means:
- To support the work of the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance in public statements;
- To facilitate cross-communication with local houses of worship and ecumenical groups regarding opportunities for advocacy on immigration issues;
- To make the Church’s premises available at reasonable times and locations for spiritual and educational programs relating to undocumented immigrants;
- To encourage contributions of time, talent and treasure, including in-kind gifts by members of the congregation and its ministries to sanctuary initiatives.