Dyan Bryson

Candidate for Vestry Class of 2027

As a lifelong Episcopalian I have joined a church with every geographic move I have made. I joined a church when I moved to North Jersey, I stayed for 20 years. I volunteered first as lay reader, then lead usher, then vestry, then warden. I finally left that church as I realized I needed a stronger community.

I was unchurched for six years. Well prior to COVID, Sarah Stransky introduced me to St Luke’s – she may not even remember the impression that one visit made on me. Despite thanking Sarah for this introduction, I did not join – I live in Springfield and the commute would be more distance than I wanted to bear.

Then comes COVID. I wanted to be back in church and found St Luke’s was the only church I could find that was live streaming. By the time the COVID restrictions were lifted and we could finally meet in person, I had found the community I was looking for – over Zoom for goodness sakes! You all have welcomed me with open arms and now it is time for me to give back and help make a way for others to be welcomed into this church.

Finally tired of the commute from Springfield, I will be moving to Montclair in this summer. Starting with St Luke’s my life has centered on Montclair – church, different services, as well as the chapter of my sorority I am part of. It is my hope that with this move I can be more involved and nurture the community that has nurtured me.

As for my personal life, I have two cats at home and two nieces in South Jersey. I work full time helping pharmaceutical companies ensure their clinical trials represent the people in the real world. I have been fortunate to be able to identify work I enjoy as well as the ability to do it.

I am excited at the prospect of living in the heart of Montclair and enjoying all aspects of the community of which St Luke’s is a part. In my time on the DEI committee this is what I espouse, that the communities around us need to know more about what we are doing at St Luke’s. This exposure would bring in more people who also want to be part of community. This is the mission I’d like to lead as part of the vestry, if the church agrees.