Advent with the Prophets and Mystics – Sundays in Advent

Advent with the Prophets and Mystics
Facilitated by Interweave: Janet Aulet Maulbeck and The Rev. Peter Savastano
Sundays, December 3, 10, 17, 2017: 11:30 am – 12:30 p.m.
Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the birth of Christ’s presence among us. This three-week program on the first, second and third Sunday of Advent, will explore the significance of the season and its meaning in our personal and communal lives, using as our inspiration the Hebrew Prophets and those Christian mystics who have dwelled on the significance and meaning of Advent and Christmas in sermons or meditative writings.
On the first Sunday of Advent we will explore the Hebrew Prophets. Author Walter Brueggemann tells us that the task of the prophetic is to challenge the status quo and, at the same time, offer the promise of newness. Recalling the stories of Abraham, Miriam, and Moses, we will reflect our own call to be a prophetic people of light and hope.
On the second and third Sunday of Advent, we will meditate and consider closely Scripture and particular sermons and reflections by mystics such as Meister Eckhart, Howard Thurman, and Simone Weil as a way of guiding our own journey through the desert of our spirits and souls as we dwell in expectant waiting for the birth of the Christ presence in our hearts and in the midst of our faith community. For more information on Spiritual Enrichment at St. Luke’s, please email