Nominations for Elected Leadership Roles

Annual Meeting and Election on May 15

The Nominating Committee has completed their work to bring forward a slate of candidates to be elected at St. Luke’s Annual Meeting on May 15. We are grateful for the prayerful discernment work of the Nominating Committee and those willing to stand for election. The nominees are: Warden (2-year term): Jinni Rock-Bailey; For Vestry (3-year term): Harry Mayo, Wendy Drake-Schneider, Colette Emerson, Erik Trojian, John Raposa, Lou Balsamo; For Deputy to Diocesan Convention (1-year Term): Dall Forsythe, Felisa Van Liew, Martha Thalheimer, Robert Weber, Wendy McNeil, and Mike Peinovich.

Nomination by Petition

If you are interested in running for Warden, Vestry, or Diocesan Convention, you may petition to be on the ballot following the procedure outlined in the parish by-laws:. Any six qualified voting members may nominate another qualified voting member for any office to be elected by providing a signed petition to the Clerk of the Vestry seven days prior to the Annual Meeting. If the Clerk receives such nomination, [s]he shall immediately post the name of the person[s] on the bulletin board of the Parish House.